Day 1: My word for 2023 is Courage, here's how I'm acting on it

Note: Below is originally posted from my Typeshare account as part of my 30 for 30 challenge.

I'm starting 2023 with a clear calendar, no expectations and a goal to find my voice. Without a stable income and bucketloads of ambiguity, the risk of falling into despair and anxiety is great. If you don't know me, I really like to know what's happening and be in control. Talk about being miles outside of my comfort zone.

I made a decision to leave a stable and lucrative Tech job at the end of 2022. In the face of continuing in the industry indefinitely, or trying my hand at something close to my heart, I chose to dive head first into creative writing.

Stoic philosophy described 'courage' as one of the four foundational virtues of living a noble and authentic life. As circumstances would have it, it's been a virtue I've underutilise in my life so far. Reflecting back I've often taken the expected choice, or the most secure opportunity, rather than the one my gut desired.

So acknowledging that, I'm choosing to embody more COURAGE in 2023.

To start, these are two commitments I'm making.

1. Publishing 30 essays over 30 days

I'm a massive perfectionist, and have thousands of essays that have never seen the light of day. My problem is that I overthink how others will perceive my words. Through 30 for 30, I've learnt this is a shared concern and hurdle for many writers. Meaning: I'm NOT alone. I've joined Ship 30 for 30, to overcome this roadblock and get on the path of constant creating and publishing, to fine tune and find the topics in my life that resonate and that I want to write about.

Over the next 30 days I'll write and publish 30 personal essays on mindfulness, stoic philosophies and practical wisdoms I've learnt along my journey so far.

2. Learning improv

I've been hooked on improv since attending my first workshop in November of 2022. Improv is alive and dynamic and it's not perfect. It's spontaneity and the act of listening in order to respond in the moment using our unconscious as much as possible. It's everything that I fear.

Courage is the act of doing something despite being frightened by it. It's making the choice and living with the consequences, ultimately removing the opportunity for regret to come up.

Cheers to taking 2023 by the horns, and living your most authentic life. Let the year of courage begin...


Day 2: Reasons to try out Improv


Hello festive season!