Hello festive season!

Hi Folks, unbelievably sorry for the hiatus. Life happened leaving me overwhelmed and incapable of writing any reflection of thought pieces and largely unable to tap into my creative, expansive mindset. Not a negative thing, sometimes you have to be in survival mode to get administrative tasks done, and check in on those around you.

So a few updates. I’m a fairly private person, or rather, I don’t see the purpose of posting every detail about my life, activities and whereabouts on social media. It doesn’t add to my happiness and often makes me feel more anxious thinking about what is being perceived and “keeping up” with others. So it may be a bit of a surprise for some that I’m sharing that I got married last Sunday, a week before Christmas! After a grand 2.5 months of planning we decided to wrap the year with this milestone of an event, and in hindsight, I am so happy we did!

T’was a rainy, overcast Sunday morning, but the day couldn’t have been more perfect. It was a celebration of love, appreciation, family and friends in an intimate ~50 person gathering. It was made all the better by dreamy peach and orange flower arrangements, delicious foods and a live jazz band. The sun even made an appearance by the afternoon, and while my white dress soaked up lots of water and swept the concrete floors of Sydney, I laughed and smiled all day surrounded by so many people I love that love me. And of course, I got to announce my love to my favourite man to the backdrop of a stunning exotic garden. It was perfect. I’m excited for our photos to come out and to post a few of them here.

I’ve never been one that thought about my own wedding. It was something that people did, to symbolise the next stage of a relationship and united two families into one. Truth be told, I never saw that for myself or my future. So being on this side of my wedding, I can see that it meant something very different to me, than what I thought. We intentionally made the whole day like a party, with the help of a super unique, bubbly and incredible celebrant and MC who told our story with so much humor. She made the guests feel included and engaged, and didn’t do the usual sphpeel of “We are gathered here today in the holy matrimony of…” zzzzz. We put up a SHOW, and we loved it.

Reflected a day before the wedding, I realised that there was nothing to be stressed about. The stakes were low, and no one was performing life threatening brain surgery. Everyone was there for love and we are blessed to have the least critical, and most loving people in our lives to join us. The day would be a major milestone that we would one day show our kids and family, so more than stress, it was important to enjoy and soak in every moment of the day. And that I did.

It’s now Christmas Eve and I’m excited to spend more quality time with my tribe, eat all the delicious foods with my partner by my side and think about what I will make of 2023.

Til next time!



Day 1: My word for 2023 is Courage, here's how I'm acting on it


Reencounter with an old poem