Day 2: Reasons to try out Improv

Ways taking Improv classes can make your life better:

  • Stop (or at least quieten) the critical inner voice

Do you have the critical inner voice commentating on your every decision and action? Chances are, it is not serving you, and in fact could be holding you back from achieving things you are fully capable and worthy of. Improv gives you the skills and the practice to distance yourself from that critical and pesky inner voice. Eventually, it may even become part of the background noise, liberating you from its wrath.

  • Tap into your limitless unconscious mind (you are wittier and funnier than you think)

Similar to point 1, many of us overutilise the logical and rational part of our brain. We let it partner with our ego to save face, and stop us from embarrassing ourselves. But here’s the thing, there is nothing as powerful as being comfortable in your lived experience and tapping into it in the moment. You are capable and able to respond to whatever comes your way, and are probably more able to adapt if you were to tap into your unconscious mind.

  • Let go of the outcome and relax

When we let go of the outcome, we are better able to appreciate and enjoy the process. The real benefits of change and learning happen along the way, not at the end when we achieve ‘the thing’. If we’re going to live for the outcome, then we’re never truly in the moment and unable to appreciate the view when we get there. Improv allows us to be in the present moment (mind and body), and respond in an appropriate and mindful manner. Extra points, as it means we are less stressed along the way.

  • Become more comfortable in social situations

Whether we like it or not, every social situation is an overlap and mix of unknowns, unpredictable outcomes and variables. They’re also an opportunity for genuine connections, resonating exchanges and pure magic. Embodying improv allows you to play and enjoy the interaction without the anxiety of coming across as perfect or capable. It allows you to be enough.

  • Make genuine and authentic connections

Being in an improv class removes the hierarchy and makes it a level playing field for everyone. The precepts of improv, mean it is a safe space from judgment and cruelty. Of course with any group of humans, you find your people who resonate with the same values and you enjoy to play improv with. These genuine connections can be the spring board of support you need to achieve anything else you wish to in your life.

Every person should try an improv class and incorporate the 'play' into their lives. We could all take things and ourselves less seriously :)


Day 3: I left the corporate world after 10 years, and this is how I made my decision


Day 1: My word for 2023 is Courage, here's how I'm acting on it