Downsizing and Waste

Walking through my local shops, and I can already see the marked-up Christmas themed items springing up. We’re more than 2 months to the festive season, and we’re being encouraged get ready for the holidays, and spend(!) While I’ve tried to remain conscious about my spending patterns and waste, I can see I’ve fallen prey to Covid retail therapy relief or ‘revenge spend’, as well as influences by general industry marketing. Is 25 pairs of shoes for one person too much? (The answer is yes, yes it is).

All the social marketing, ads and media, making us think that we will be happy once we have that thing, or spend that money. They make us believe that our validation and happiness rides on acquiring the most, the biggest, the latest items. The temptation: “Ahh! Those stunning new XX are so me! I need to add it to my possessions”. Reality: You fail to consider the four similar XX that you have sitting at home, gathering dust. Outcome: You buy the XX, and the dopamine hits for about an hour. Maybe you wear/use it once, or a few times if you really like it, before the next season XX catches your attention. We spring clean, and the XX goes into waste and the landfills pile up with everyone’s minimally used XXs. Compound this with a million XXXXXXXs from a million other people and hot diggity, we have a huge problem that no one wants to face. I’ve been reflecting on this a lot recently as I spring clean my closet and home.

While I can’t backtrack on what I already own, I can consciously donate it to people and causes that could potentially benefit from them the most. From Vinnies to Support the Girls to Dress for success, I’m all about the idea of a circular economy and recycling, reusing, refurbishing items for minimal environmental impact. Reading this article from the World Bank about global waste projected to grow by 70% by 2050 is mind blowing and frankly, gives me cold sweats. I’ll definitely be reconsidering before making any more material purchases.

In other news, the transition to non-corporate work continues to be a challenge that I am and will continue navigating. Top of mind for me this week are mental and physical health, and spending some quality time with my loved ones.

Hope you are well and taking care. Keep on keeping on.



Self compassion


Einstein’s question