It’s Okay To Change Your Mind
We love certainty. We love having opinions, staking our ground, and declaring, “This is who I am, and this is what I believe.” But have you ever looked back at a past version of yourself and cringed? The way you once dressed, the music you thought was elite, the arguments you were convinced you’d die on a hill for?
It’s a strange thing—how we change, often without realising it. And yet, for some reason, we resist the idea of consciously changing our minds. We treat it like a weakness, like we’re betraying ourselves if we let go of an old belief or admit we were wrong.
But the real strength lies in the ability to evolve. To listen more than we speak. To be willing to say, “I used to think that, but I see things differently now.” Growth isn’t about standing firm no matter what—it’s about knowing when to move.
If you find yourself shifting perspectives, let it happen. The best version of you isn’t the one who never changes—it’s the one who’s open to it.