Three Topics I’m Navigating In My Life Right Now

There are three topics I am actively thinking about a lot these days. I plan to write blog posts on each topic, but for now, here are the trappings of my mind in no particular order.

Topic #1: Mindful Pregnancy

The anticipation of becoming a mom has had me thinking incessantly about how to weave mindfulness into the experience. It can all feel too overwhelming when thinking ahead at the endless items we need to get and books of wisdom I have to read. There’s so much change approaching, lots to look forward to, and sometimes to stress about, but ultimately, it’s what’s happening each and every day that I don’t want to overlook or forget.

How I’m incorporating mindfulness into my pregnancy:

  1. Daily Meditation: Setting aside a few minutes each day foster a deeper connection with the growing baby. I’m utilising the practice of visualisation to open myself up to different realities and open my mind to the uncertainties that parenthood will bring.

  2. Breath Awareness: Practicing deep breathing exercises to reduce anxiety and help maintain focus on the present moment. I’ve become the sole facilitator of a community breath-work and meditation class where I connect with like-minded, beautiful people.

  3. Journaling: I’ve found that writing down thoughts, feelings, and my experiences can be a therapeutic way to process the roller coaster of feelings I’ve felt so far in the pregnancy.

My hope is that by practicing mindfulness throughout my pregnancy, I can learn how to become a present and mindful parent. More than that, I want to be a supportive parent and help my little one find his own. Over the next few years, as I continue to learn more and more, I hope to be able to cultivate a nurturing and peaceful environment for my child.

Topic #2: Rediscovering the Joy of Writing

After experiencing extreme writing fatigue halfway through last year, finding out about the brain tumor, then ultimately undergoing surgery toward the end of the year, I can safely say that writing has fallen on the back burner for a while. The recovery process has been challenging, but it has also provided me with a fresh perspective on life and writing.

Steps I’ve Taken To Rekindle My Writing:

  1. Set Small Goals: Starting with short writing sessions and brainstorming sessions to build momentum and confidence again.

  2. Reading for Inspiration: Immersing myself in books and articles to reignite my passion for storytelling and find more inspiring voices.

  3. Connecting with Writing Communities: Engaging with fellow writers and students for support and motivation.

Writing is becoming my focus again. This renewed commitment to writing is not just about creating content, but also about healing and self-expression. It's about reclaiming a part of myself that was temporarily lost and finding joy in the process once more.

Topic #3: Uncovering Family Tensions

Family dynamics can be complex and, at times, strained. Over the past year, I have been reflecting on the underlying tensions within my family (from events that occured a decade or more ago) and the impact they have on my well-being. Understanding and addressing these issues head on, I’ve realised, is crucial for personal growth and fostering healthier relationships and stability.

Approaches to Address Family Tensions:

  1. Gently but Honest Communication: Encouraging honest and respectful conversations to address misunderstandings and grievances.

  2. Setting Boundaries: I’ve had to establish clear boundaries to protect my emotional and mental health.

  3. Being Realistic: I know I can’t change a person or their perceptions, so sometimes I need to come to terms with the situation as it is. It’s also helped to seek professional help to avoid the blame-game and see events and actions as what they are. Life.

Uncovering and addressing family tensions is a never ending process for many of us. However I try to remind myself that my parents, siblings, friends are all just doing the best they can with what they have. It ultimately is a journey of self-discovery and healing, even if it is very uncomfortable to navigate. It is about breaking cycles of negativity and creating a more supportive and loving family environment going forward - with respect for yourself.


Que Sera, Sera


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